Writing my newsletter takes a while and sometimes I forget to cross-post it to the website. I will be posting several catch-up posts and a new one soon. Cheers! —M

Hello all,

My band released a three-song EP. It's called "Shut Your Mouth So the Bees Don't Get In" by Classy Dame. We're really proud of these fun, weird songs, and we hope you will like them, too!

Above: Album art for "Shut Your Mouth So The Bees Don't Get In" by Classy Dame. It features an illustration of school kids sitting in a subway car where plants, flowers, and mushrooms are growing through the walls and floors. Illustration by Thomas Turner.

About the EP & where to listen

The band members (bassist/singer/songwriter Eric Wharton, drummer Austin Deyo, and myself on keys/vocals/songwriting) all recorded separately and remotely in the summer of 2021. We got our friend Lily Desmond to contribute a fiddle solo and backing vocals on one song. Then our friend Conor Keelan mixed and mastered the songs, and somehow made them sound like we were in the same room together.

Here are some places you can listen to the songs, and purchase if you like. (You can find it on most common platforms, but I've selected the ones I think you're most likely to be using already.)

Live music

Classy Dame played the Bowery Electric on the night we released the EP, February 17, 2022. Here are some snaps from our set. Special guest and multi-instrumentalist Morgan Weidinger joined us for a few tunes. (Photos by Tony DiTaranto)

Above: Classy Dame performs at the Bowery Electric. Left to right: Maria on keys and vocals, Austin on drums, Eric on electric bass and vocals.

Above: Classy Dame performs at the Bowery Electric. Left to right: Maria on keys and vocals, Austin on drums, Eric on electric bass and vocals, special guest Morgan Weidinger on violin and vocals.

Above: Maria emoting at the keys and mic at the Bowery Electric.

Thank you to everyone who came to the show, everyone who listened to the EP, and everyone reading this! There's more on the horizon from us and we appreciate all the support so far.


